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healthy snacks for toddlers

Snacky kids? Here are some of my favorite natural and organic healthy snacks for toddlers. They are perfect for tiny snackers butย totally suitable for adults, too!

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Demi is talking up a storm these days – some of it we understand, some of it we don’t. And it should come as no surprise that my favorite words so far are food-related. Hummi (hummus), olla (olives), pa-ta (pasta) and her latest, nack (snack). ‘Nacks’ areย requested (ok, demanded) many, many times from the moment she gets up until the moment she goes to bed.

And while I’m slightly against snacking (only because I want her to eat realย meals and not crackers all day long), I’ve learned to loosen up when it comes to things like this. In a perfect world, she’d eat well-rounded meals full of vegetables, protein, whole grains and healthy fats (and sometimes she does!) and not be interested in crackers all day long. But life isn’t perfect and I’m certainly not perfect soย I’m taking this as a lesson in parenting.

The truth is that snacks are a part of life. For kids, for adults, for toddlers. When it comes to snacks, fresh produce is a greatย option and incorporating them into snacks can certainly help kids reach the recommended daily 5-servings of fruits and vegetables. I tryย to buy fruit in season so it changes throughout the year, berries, stone fruits, apples, pears, etc. – and always bananas! Cucumbers, thin carrot sticks, roasted vegetables, etc. with a dip are a good option for vegetableย snacks.

But fresh produce isn’t always easy or accessible or demanded…and that’s where these snacks come in. Some are leaning a bit more on the treat side, but still pretty good options.

Note: you’ll notice that I call out many of these snacks as being good options because they have protein. Not because I think toddlers need crazy amounts of protein, but let’s face it, they tend to choose carbs over anything else!ย 

Healthy Snacks for Toddlers

healthy snack ideas for toddlers | anutritionisteats.com
Siggi’s Yogurt Tubes: I love Siggi’s yogurt and while I always prefer full-fat dairy, the (low-fat) tubes are FUN! It’s a nice dose of protein that’s low in sugar. (Demi took yogurt tubes for her 1st birthday treat at daycare and literally cried when she finished hers.)

healthy snack ideas for toddlers | anutritionisteats.com
Mini LaraBars: If you haven’t had larabars before, they are almost all made entirely of nuts and dried fruit. The sugars are a little higher (about 10 grams) but because it’s from a natural source and balanced with some protein and fat from the nuts I’m ok with it –ย Demi thinks they are a total treat.

healthy snack ideas for toddlers | anutritionisteats.com
Annie’s Bunnies: Bunnies come in a few varieties, but the whole wheat ones are my favorite – because the first ingredient is whole grain flour. They are also a fun shape for little fingers and they taste great!

healthy snack ideas for toddlers | anutritionisteats.com
Pea Crisps: When Demi started eating solid foods, we didn’t go theย baby puff route, but instead, pea crisps. They are cheaper and I preferย the ingredients in the pea crisps. They are easy for early eaters because they have the similar light and airy texture as the puffs.

healthy snack ideas for toddlers | anutritionisteats.com
Cottage Cheese: It tastes good and it’s full of protein. Eat it plain, top it with fruit or applesauce, or something savory like chopped cucumber, tomato and dill.

healthy snack ideas for toddlers | anutritionisteats.com
Applesauce/Fruit Pouches: Applesauce and pouches don’t have much to them in terms of protein or healthy fats, but they are tasty and kids love them. Pair it with some cottage cheese if you want/need something with some staying power.

healthy snack ideas for toddlers | anutritionisteats.com
Granola Bars: I don’t know what it is about these granola bars, but they are SO good and taste like a treat. (I normally don’t like it when people say something like a granola bar tastes like a cookie, but these kind of do!)

healthy snack ideas for toddlers | anutritionisteats.com
Roasted Seaweed: I didn’t think of this snack, but when daycare told me Demi loved seaweed I started adding it to her snack rotation. We all love seaweed and while there isn’t much to it (super low-calorie) they are good forย snacking.

healthy snack ideas for toddlers | anutritionisteats.com
Cheese: If you know me at all, you know our family eats a lot of cheese.ย We always have a few varieties of cheese in the fridge, but I like toย have a bag of cheese sticks thatย are ready to throw in a bag or lunch box. Organic Valley is one of my preferred dairy brands: it’s a Wisconsin brand, I love that the dairy comes from small farms and…QUALITY!

What are your favorite snacks for little ones (or yourself)? I’m always looking for new ideas!


If you like this recipe, try these, too!


  1. I just read this like it was an instruction post I have to follow! I trust your judgement about healthy snacks so much and I am pinning the recipe for a few months from now when Miss Sloane is ready for more finger foods! Love the idea of the pea crisps instead of puffs because I have not found any puffs that I have even considered giving her. Funny how I eat plenty of “treats” but I want her diet to be so pure. I think it’s because right now I know I can control everything that goes into her little body, so much fun!

    1. Yay, that makes me so happy! I’m the same way, I eat plenty of treats, but Demi’s diet was so pure in the early stages. I’ve definitely loosened up, but I totally agree, when you have the control – you should take advantage!

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